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Every year we are in the top 3 of the best law firms in the Netherlands in the field of client satisfaction.

New government: Plans for Immigration

The right wing liberal party and the labour party presented their government plans. Listed below are the proposals with regard to immigration law (non asylum). These plans are still proposals and can be amended.

– The new government will try within the EU to raise the minimum age for family reunfication to 24 years.
– Family reunification is possible for married couples, registered partnership, unmarried partners with a lasting and exclusive relationship, and their minors.
– The term for naturalization will be increased from 5 to 7 years.
– A residence permit can not be granted in case of prior illegal residency or fraud.
– Illegally residing in the Netherlands will be a criminal offence.
– Employers employing foreigners without the required work and residence permit will be sanctioned more severly.
– Regularization Scheme for children of rejected asylumseekers (and their parents), and unaccompanied minor immigrants, provided they have resided in the Netherlands for over 5 years prior to their 18th birthday and during this period they must have cooperated with Dutch government authorities).
– Raising standards for the integration exam in the Netherlands and the integration exam abroad required for the long stay visa (MVV).
– A DNA test in cases where there is a suspicion of identity fraud.