Every year we are in the top 3 of the best law firms in the Netherlands in the field of client satisfaction.

Every year we are in the top 3 of the best law firms in the Netherlands in the field of client satisfaction.

Kroes Advocaten Immigration Lawyers contributes to the Dual Citizenship Report

As a top tier specialized law firm in the Netherlands, Kroes Advocaten Immigration Lawyers is pleased to have been selected to contribute to the Dual Citizenship Report.

The Dual Citizenship Report is a definitive guide to Dual Citizenship based on applicable legislation in the numerous countries throughout the European Region.  The report was realized through a collaboration of over 30+ European Law firms.  The report was compiled and edited by our Maltese partners, Chetchuti Cauchi Advocates and can be found on the http://www.dualcitizenshipreport.org/, which offers the report on an interactive platform, making it more widely accessible.

Our firm has contributed to the Dutch chapter, where we outlined the most recent developments in the legislation on the different ways of acquiring citizenship in our jurisdiction as well as the possibility or lack thereof of holding dual citizenship.

We are pleased to be a part of this comprehensive legal analysis and we look forward to further contributions and updates.