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Every year we are in the top 3 of the best law firms in the Netherlands in the field of client satisfaction.

Pieter Krop about IND recognized sponsor in Dutch newspaper “NRC”

When assessing the application to become IND recognized sponsor, the IND has been guilty of ethnic profiling. The Dutch national newspaper “NRC” wrote this in an article dated 6 May 2022. Pieter Krop was asked by the NRC for an comment. Read the NRC article here. *(D

When assessing the application to become a recognized sponsor, the IND used the ‘Risk Model for Recognized Sponsors’. A number of indicators were included in this model. There was also a category ‘other indicators’. This records the origin and background of the entire management of the company  This is not allowed under the GDPR. According to the NRC, this risk model is no longer in use since January 2022, after it was temporarily discontinued in May 2021.