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Highly Skilled Migrant: access to labourmarket
Highly skilled migrants (kennismigranten) and Blue Card holders currently have the following labour market notification as regards access to the Dutch labourmarket: `Work permit not required. Other work not allowed”.
As of 1 January 2012 this will change. Highly skilled migrants and Blue Card holders will receive on their residence card the labour market notification “Other work only allowed if employer has a work permit”.
This means that highly skilled migrants and Blue Card holders, besides their work as highly skilled migrant or Blue Card labourmigrant, are allowed from 1 January 2012 onwards, to perform work for which a work permit is required. Required is that the employer is in the possesion of the work permit. Also required is that the highly skilled migrant or Blue Card holder keeps qualifying for the conditions for which the highly skilled migrant residence permit or Blue Card is granted.